14 DECEMBER 2016, GEMINI, Supermoon YES, Eclipse NO
Exact time & zodiac degree of this moon | Understanding Full Moons |
Foot in mouth disease? Or brilliant words and thoughts pouring out? This Gemini full moon supermoon is like fireworks – stirring inspiring communication and synchronistic connections as beautiful as fireworks when flowing properly, but if one of those crackers backfires, ouch! Don’t be surprised if something that went cold is back on the boil, or conversely something that was hot goes cold. The other side of the coin appears and a bit of effort might need to go into engaging with it. You might be shaking with stress sometimes, but dancing with happiness later on. Even wildest dreams coming true create double the effort with all the excitement. You might start to feel slightly panicky with all you’re juggling and the pressure is on to become more innovative, e.g. getting up earlier to fit everything in or shifting your priorities. Some communication exchanges are like walking a tightrope – best to stay present about every word coming out of your mouth or another’s. Secrets, truths or past pent-up feelings might have a way of popping out. But certain slips of the tongue are life working its magic, and some truly heart-warming conversations could happen. So make that phone call or send that card. It could make all the difference, but take care with the wording!